working on


Coming Up

Oinoscent – Emerald –  Mantras – Égoïste – to be announced


ICHOR De | con | struction – paintings by AZU ©2017
MASQUES AND SHADOWS – theater play by AZU ©2009 (published 2014)
DARE ME PROJECT II Weekly news – poetry by ELMYR & AZU ©2010
DARE ME PROJECT I Chastity – poetry by ELMYR & AZU ©2010


2022  | One Night Stand @ The Cohesion, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2022 | Myths of Ichor | Spaklers Gallery | Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2017 Ichor – Deconstruction @ Trelaplein – March, Amsterdam – The Netherlands
2015 Flagile wolrds @ the Mix Tree (October 14 – November 5) , Amsterdam – The Netherlands
2009 Collective Painting Exhibition @ the Centre of Art and Culture, Municipality of Maroussi – Greece